Greeting from the CEO

T-IME Education represents not only education but the Republic of Korea itself, while presenting a new paradigm for education.

As can be seen from its name, T-IME (Totally Integrated Multiplatform Education) offers educational services which include not only offline classes but also combines them with online classes and other services to help students succeed. We strive to create student-centered educational services.

T-IME Education aims not only to follow changes in the education industry, but to stay a step ahead of them through continuous research into the educational environment. For this reason, all of T-IME Education’s programs teach students how to achieve goals, rather than simply giving them goals to achieve. This is why T-IME’s research activities are continuously ongoing, even at this very minute. T-IME Education creates classrooms with genuine communication between teachers and students, and environments which promote self-directed study. We present students with long-term study strategies to help them achieve their goals, which begin with our multi-directional multimedia classroom model. We are striving to become an education leader not only in Korea but all around the world by using content developed according to global standards.

As of 2017 T-IME Education has grown into one of the largest educational enterprises in Korea, boasting approximately 500 employees and researchers, as well as 4,500 instructors and over 160,000 students. In addition, T-IME’s educational content, developed using cutting-edge IT technology by 180 researchers who are specialists in their subject areas, creates classrooms in which communication goes both ways rather than passing information in a teacher-centered way from teacher to student. In T-IME Education classrooms communication truly goes both ways between teachers and students, as well as among the students, representing a new paradigm for education.